On Saturday, September 7, Far East Lodge No. 1, under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Japan, held its 500th meeting and passed yet another important milestone in its history. (See photos)
The Masonic Temple at Bluff 250 having been vacated in July, and the new Temple at Honmoku-midorigaoka not being ready until the end of October, the historical 500th meeting was held on the second floor of the Tiffin Restaurant in Yokohama's Yamashita-cho, just a few hundred yards from Yamashita Park and Chinatown. The owner of the restaurant, Bro. Sami Qureshi, is a member of Lodge Star in the East No. 640 SC, and graciously allowed both lodges to use his facilities for their September and October meetings.
The brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 gathered at the Tiffin Restaurant prepared to make some modifications to their customary floorwork, but this proved unnecessary. Perhaps the only noticeable change to the ritual was the use of candles instead of electric bulbs. A set of three brass candle holders, unused for at least 16 years, was brought out of honorable retirement and placed in the East, West and South.
As the meeting was about to begin, MWB Heath, the reigning Master of No. 1, noted that in the days of George Washington it was not unusual for lodges to hold their meetings above taverns or restaurants, and that after such meetings the brethren would descend to the ground floor to enjoy fraternal harmony.
The October meeting of No. 1 will also be held at the same venue, and it is hoped that some kind of catering can be arranged before or after.