Far East Lodge No. 1 News

September 7, 2002November 2, 2002 November 7, 2002

On Saturday, November 2, Far East Lodge No. 1 held its first meeting in the new Yokohama Masonic Temple at Midorigaoka. (See photos)

The Lodge was honored by an informal visit from MWB Philip Ambrose, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Japan, and MWB Fredric Collins, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Japan. Bro. Nicholas Kubota, Past Master of Lodge Star in the East No. 640 (SC) brought fraternal greetings from the brethren of No. 640.

Problems with the installation of steel cabinets in the Secretary's Office (the made-to-order cabinets did not fit and are having to be readjusted) meant that the documents and archives of both lodges are still in cardboard boxes piled around the ground floor of the Temple. In spite of this minor inconvenience, the brethren enjoyed their customary light refreshment before the meeting and a cup of coffee and muffins afterwards.

The lodge room itself looked splendid and brethren seeing it for the first time expressed their pleasure and satisfaction. The deacons in particular were delighted with the new carpet-tyled floor -- no more sliding rods when giving knocks or signs!

After opening the lodge in due and ancient form, MWB Heath reviewed the circumstances leading to the relocation of the new Temple and thanked all those brethren who had made it possible.

In their closing remarks, MWB Collins and MWB Ambrose noted that three lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Japan will be forced to vacate their current homes in 2003 and will be looking for alternative premises. MWB Ambrose pointed out that the invaluable experience gained from the successful relocation of the Yokohama Masonic Temple will stand these lodges in good stead.