Far East Lodge No. 1 News

November 7, 2002December 14, 2002 February 16, 2003

At the stated meeting for December, the brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 held their annual election of officers. The line-up for 2003 will be as follows:

Worshipful Master MWB William M. Heath, PGM
Senior Warden WB Rodolfo C. Herrera, PM
Junior Warden WB Tadamichi Sugai, PM
Treasurer MWB Kazuhiro Watanabe, PGM
Secretary WB Thomas H. Hodges, PM
Chaplain Bro. Walter Morris Johnson
Marshal WB Takumi Masaki, PM
Senior Deacon Bro. Luis F. Mendoza
Junior Deacon Bro. Janusz Buda
Senior Steward Bro. Kenichi Miyata
Junior Steward Bro. Buenaventura J. Macomb
Tyler WB Alan J. Turney, PM

In another item of news, the brethren approved the signing of a contract with Masonic Hall, Ltd. for use of the new Temple and agreed to petition Grand Lodge for a dispensation to hold the January meeting on January 11, as the first Saturday of January falls within the traditional New Year holiday period.

The installaton of the newly elected officers will take place on February 1, with MWB Chester Ditto as the Installing Officer and MWB Watanabe as the Installing Marshal.