Far East Lodge No. 1 News

December 14, 2002February 16, 2003 July 12, 2003

Brethren visiting the Members' Section of this website in the past week or so will have noticed some major changes.

Over the past eighteen months the 'tyled' section has grown to over 16MB and is now four times larger than the 'untyled' section open to all visitors. To make it easier to navigate through the hundreds of files and photographs in the tyled section, they have been reorganized into a number of folders and sub-folders and a standard navigation bar now appears at the top of each page.

A number of new folders have been created as placeholders for a proposed archive of Lodge documents and can be accessed through the Documents link on the main Members' Section Index. Recently uploaded to this new section are a copy of MWB Nishiyama's excellent guide to Japanese Constitution floor work, and a copy of WB Hannon Jackson's glossary of difficult words in the Ritual Book. The latest Annual Report and Financial Statement have also been uploaded and it is hoped to add past reports over the next few months.

The members' feedback section has been replaced with an automatic guestbook program which is working well but also has an annoying bug. Every twenty-four hours messages are archived and removed from the list. The developer of the program is working on this bug and there should be an update very soon.

Work on redesigning the Members' Section is still in progress and brethren may occasionally find broken links or missing files.