Far East Lodge No. 1 continues to attract a gratifiyingly large number of enquiries and petitions from people interested in joining the Craft. With several candidates waiting to receive the Degrees of Masonry, a Special Meeting was called for June 17, at which Bro. Wachi and Bro. Mikuni were initiated in due and ancient form and became the Lodge's youngest Entered Apprentice Masons.
MWB Watanabe took the East, obligated the Candidates, gave the Apron Lecture, and delivered the Charge. At very short notice WB Masaki took over as SD and with the help of Bro. Miyata ably conducted the Candidates during the ceremony. Bro. Miyata presented the Working Tools of the degree and MWB Katagiri gave the First Degree Lecture. Much of the ritual was worked in Japanese and once again the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 demonstrated their fluency in both English and Japanese rituals.
In only two weeks the Lodge will be holding its Stated Meeting for July. Bro. Tsujii, who demonstrated his proficiency in the First Degree at our May meeting, will be passed to the Second Degree.