At the stated meeting for June, Far East Lodge No. 1 added two new Brother Master Masons to its roll of members. Bro. Martin Sneathern and Bro. Dimitrios Tsuruyiannis demonstrated their proficiency in the preceding degrees and were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.
WB Herrera was in Thailand and unable to attend the meeting. MWB Watanabe opened the Lodge and took care of several items of business that included the acceptance of a petition from Mr. Konno and a favorable ballot on the petition of Mr. Mikuni. MWB Katagiri conducted the Proficiency Examination, after which WB Buda took the East for the Conferral of the Degree. MWB Watanabe returned to the East for the Tragedy. The Working Tools were presented by Bro. Inomata, MWB Katagiri gave the Lecture, and WB Buda delivered the Charge.