Far East Lodge No. 1 News

September 2, 2006 October 10, 2006 October 28, 2006

The October Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1 opened at 1 pm and closed at 6 pm, one of the longest in recent memory. After opening the Lodge, WB Herrera called the Brethren up for a moment of silence in remembrance of WB Louie Vanvig, a Past Master of the Lodge who was summoned to the Celestial Lodge on September 17. After the regular items of business had been concluded, WB Buda gave a report on the financial situation of Masonic Hall Limited, the custodian of the Temple. He also recommended that the Brethren of both Yokohama lodges work together to arrange a schedule of volunteer cleaning and maintenance.

After the Lodge had been lowered to the Second Degree and Bros Takeda and Wachi had demonstrated their Fellowcraft proficiencies, Bro Charles Jackson was given leave to address the Lodge. He announced that he was leaving Japan and in a moving farewell thanked the Brethren for their support and encouragement.

The Lodge was then lowered to the First Degree and Bro Konno proved his proficiency as an Entered Apprentice.

Third Degree

WB Masaki | MWB Watanabe | WB Herrera
Bro Jackson | Bro Sagara| Bro Inomata | Bro Mikuni | Bro Tsujii | MWB Katagiri | Bro Tsuruyiannis
Seated: HWB Johnson

After a short break, Bros Mikuni and Tsujii were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. MWB Watanabe conducted the candidates, gave the Obligation and presented the Working Tools. With MWB Watanabe taking the role of King Solomon, the short form of the Tragedy was worked for Bro Mikuni, followed by the long form for Bro Tsujii. Having raised Bro Tsujii on the Five Points of Fellowship, MWB suggested that the remaining lectures be postponed to our next meeting, when we hope to raise two more Brethren. This suggestion was greeted with approval.

Second Degree

WB Masaki | MWB Watanabe | WB Herrera
Bro Jackson | Bro Sagara| Bro Inomata | Bro Mikuni | Bro Tsujii | MWB Katagiri |Bro Tsuruyiannis
Seated: HWB Johnson

Far East Lodge No. 1's backlog of degree work continues to grow. The conference room before a meeting is standing room only and MWB Watanabe has had to ask several petitioners to wait a month before their first visit. A tight schedule of Special Meetings would appear to be the best solution, but many Brethren are unable to attend more than one meeting a month.

It must be noted, however, that one of the reasons for the backlog is the speed with which Brethren are mastering their proficiencies and moving through the degrees. The quality of their memorization, in both English and Japanese, has been exemplary and gives much hope for the future of Far East Lodge No. 1.