Although a number of Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 were unable to attend the Stated Meeting for October, the Lodge conducted a Second Degree in due and ancient form, three Brethren passed their proficiency tests, and many important items of business were discussed.
Shortly before the meeting, MWB Katagiri reported that he had suffered a slight injury to his knee and would have difficulty getting around for about a month. He sent his regrets and asked MWB Watanabe to read out the Treasurer's Report on his behalf.
Bro Suzuki passed his EA proficiency test, and Bros Taniuchi and Tatara passed their FC proficiencies. In accordance with the schedule proposed by MWB Watanabe last month, we hope to raise Bros Taniuchi and Tatara at our Stated Meeting for November. In-country members should note that our November meeting will be held on the 10th day of the month, as the first Saturday of November falls on a National Holiday.
In the main item of business of the meeting, Bro Suzuki was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft Mason.
In other items of business, further discussion was held on the possibility of holding a Table Lodge with Lodge Star in the East No. 640 SC. WB Masaki said that he had obtained a copy of the Table Lodge ritual and suggested that early next year would be a good time to hold the meeting.
Further progress was also made on tidying up the Temple backyard. Before the meeting several Brethren cooperated in cleaning out the barbecue set that had been long used as an ashtrary, and it was agreed to buy a pair of pruning shears to cut back the hedge that was getting out of hand.