The Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 returned to their labors after a well-earned Summer break. After opening the Lodge, WB Masaki announced with sadness that Bros Choope, Clark and Hindman had been summoned to the Celestial Lodge. (See Obituary Page for more details.) He raised the Lodge for a moment of silence and ordered the Charter draped for 30 days.
The Secretary announced that he had received a completed application form from Mr. Tomio Ogawa, who had visited the Temple before the meeting. After outlining some of the complications arising from the long queue of candidates for degrees, MWB Watanabe suggested that the Lodge hold another Second Degree in October. He also suggested that the regular Lodges of Instruction being held on the last Saturday of each month would be an excellent occasion for cleaning and maintenance of the Temple.
After the Lodge had been lowered to the First Degree and Entered Apprentices and Fellowcraft Masons had been invited into the Lodge, Bros Taniuchi and Komura offered to give their First Degree Proficiencies. They were examined in Japanese by MWB Watanabe and at the conclusion of the examination WB Masaki declared Bro Taniuchi proficient. Although Bro Komura had clearly memorized most of the proficiency, he suffered a slight attack of nerves and was advised to try again the following month, to which he readily agreed.
The Lodge then resumed labor in the Second Degree and after giving three distinct knocks at the door, Bro Taniuchi was admitted and passed to the degree of Fellowcraft Mason in due and ancient form. The Working Tools were presented by Bro Inomata and MWB Watanabe took over as Senior Deacon, conducting the Candidate and giving the Staircase Lecture. All other work was done by WB Masaki and the relevant officers.
At the end of the meeting, WB Buda asked the Worshipful Master's permission to speak about the need for circumspection in discussing Masonry with strangers or recommending candidates. He gave an example of an investigative journalist who had approached Lodge Star in the East, and another example of a petitioner who had been attempting to join several lodges. MWB Watanabe confirmed the importance of consulting with the Grand Lodge Public Relations Committee on all approaches for information.
The Lodge's next Stated Meeting will be on October 6, when we hope to confirm the Second Degree on two or three Brethren.