After a year of non-stop Degree work, the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 took a well-earned rest from their labors and devoted the Stated Meeting for February to a lively discussion of a topic of Masonic interest. After opening the Lodge and dealing with outstanding business, WB Buda lowered the lodge to the First Degree and invited the EAs and FCs into the Lodge Room. After they had saluted the WM, and while they were still standing West of the Altar, WB Buda drew their attention to the arrangement of the Great Lights and the positions of the Wardens' columns, and emphasized the important information these gave about the current status of the Lodge.
WB Buda then noted that admitting EAs and FCs to a seat in the Lodge for a purpose other than Degree work or a Proficiency test was very unusual under the Japanese Constitution, but common practice under the Constitutions of Scotland, England, Ireland, and most other Grand Lodges. To explain why this situation had arisen, he then spoke on the topic of "Why Do U.S. Lodges Conduct Business in the Third Degree?" He noted that until 1842 U.S. lodges conducted business in the First Degree but began to switch to business in the Third Degree after a proposal at the Washington Convention of 1842. This proposal may or may not have been the indirect result of the Morgan Affair of 1826 and the increasing demand for Masonic security that followed. WB Buda then explained that since 1987, many U.S. Grand Lodges had decided to return to the original practice of conducting business in the First Degree, and the current total of such Grand Lodges stood at over 20.
WB then called the Lodge free from restraint to allow Brethren to exchange questions, comments and opinions about the lecture. MWB Katagiri gave an enlightening summary of the Meiji government's attitude to Masonry in Japan and MWB Watanabe spoke about attempts to revise the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Japan.
The Lodge was then raised to the Second Degree and Bros Tei and Suzuki proved themselves admirably proficient as Fellowcraft Masons.
After a short break, labors in the Third Degree were resumed and the topics of the proposed Table Lodge with Lodge Star in the East, the Annual Communication, and future Degree scheduling were discussed. Provisional work assignments for a First Degree in March were made. At the conclusion of the meeting, WB Buda said that he hoped to devote a future Meeting to another topic of Masonic interest.