Before commencing the labors of our Stated Meeting for March, 2008, WB Buda raised the lodge for a minute's silence in memory of Far East Lodge No. 1 member Bro. David Kincaid, a resident of New Braunfels, Texas, who was raised to the Celestial Lodge on February 17, 2008.
The main item on the agenda was the conferral of the First Degree of Masonry on Mr. Mamoru Sato and Dr. Yasuyoshi Kajiwara. With WB Buda in the East, WB Masaki in the West, and MWB Katagiri in the South, the candidates were inititiated in due and ancient form and obligated in Japanese by Bro. Sagara. Bro. Sneathern gave the Apron Lecture and Bro. Taniuchi presented the Working Tools, both in Japanese. As Bro. Inomata, our JW, could not be present, it was decided to postpone the First Degree Lecture until April. MWB Watanabe delivered the Charge and WB gave the usual instructions to the newly obligated Brethren.
Bro. Sato (left) and Bro. Kajiwara (right), the Lodge's newest EAs.
With the Lodge still at labor in the First Degree, MWB Watanabe tested Bro. Ogawa in his proficiency in that degree. Bro. Ogawa chose to give his proficiency in English and at the end of the examination WB Buda congratulated him on a fine performance and declared him fully proficient.
Bro. Ogawa after completing his First Degree Proficiency
WB then called the Lodge free from restraint for the purpose of holding an open installation of elected officers who had been unable to attend our installation ceremony in January. With MWB Katagiri as Installing Officer and MWB Watanabe as Installing Marshal, Bro. Sagara was duly installed as Senior Deacon of the lodge for 2008.
MWB Katagiri congratulates Bro. Sagara on his installation as Senior Deacon
The WM resumed labor in the Third Degree and a discussion was held concerning the proposed Table Lodge with Lodge Star in the East, the Annual Communication, and future degree scheduling. At the conclusion of the meeting both MWB Katagiri and WB Masaki congratulated the members of the lodge on a fine working of the First Degree, singling out Bro. Sneathern for his excellent delivery of the Apron Lecture in fluent Japanese.
At our Stated Meeting for April, Bro. Inomata will give the postponed First Degree Lecture and WB Buda will give another short talk on a topic of Masonic interest.