During our Stated Meeting for June, MWB Watanabe noted that the Lodge's investment with Eagle Star Insurance had shown a loss because of the current foreign exchange rate. He advised urgent reconsideration of this investment and recommended discussion at our next meeting. After the Treasurer's Report for June had been approved, subject to the usual audit, WB Buda reported that Masonic Hall Ltd. (MHL), the owner of the Temple property, was working hard to improve the administration of the company and ensure its future prosperity. MWB Watanabe announced reception of a petition for membershi from Mr. Alawn Jordan. Bro Inomata gave a report on the Annual Children's Day Festival held at the Tokyo Masonic Center on May 24.
WB Buda then lowered the Lodge to the First Degree and invited the EAs and FCs to enter. Bro Kajiwara offered to give his First Degree Proficiency in English and was examined by MWB Watanabe. At the end of the examination WB Buda congratulated Bro Kajiwara on a fine performance and declared him fully proficient.
After the Lodge had been raised to the Second Degree, Bro Yasushi Tamado and Bro Tomio Ogawa gave three knocks on the door. They were admitted and duly passed as Fellowcraft Masons, with WB Buda in the East, WB Masaki in the West, and Bro Inomata in the South. The Obligation was given by Bro Inomata and the Working Tools by Bro Taniuchi. After Bros. Tamado and Ogawa had restored themselves to their personal comfort, they were readmitted to the Lodge for the Second Section of the Degree with WB Masaki in the East, Bro Inomata in the West, and Bro Sagara in the South. Bro Honda conducted the candidates as SD and delivered the Staircase Lecture. WB Masaki gave the Letter G Lecture and MWB Watanabe delivered the Charge. WB Buda then resumed the East and raised the Lodge to the Third Degree for the remaining items of business.
MWB Watanabe presented a provisional schedule of degree work for July and discussed the Lodge's annual contribution to the Yokohama International Women's Christmas Party for Orphans. He noted that this year WB Herrera would be too busy with his work to deliver the usual turkeys, pizzas, and other gifts and that we might have offer a donation of money instead.
WB Buda announced, on behalf of HWB Walter Johnson, that the Negishi Heights Naval Base would hold an Open Day on Saturday, 14 June and that all were welcome.
WB Masaki congratulated Bro Honda on an outstanding performance of the Staircase Lecture. WB Buda took this opportunity to inform the Brethren that although most of the Staircase Lecture dates back to the 18th Century, the middle section relating to the Five Orders of Architecture was written over 2,000 years ago by Vitruvius, the father of architecture.
There being no further business, WB Buda closed the Lodge in short form, the Brethren departing in Peace, Harmony and Brotherly Love.
The Lodge's next meeting is scheduled for July 5, when we hope to confer the Third Degree of Masonry on Bros. Tei and Suzuki.