A double Third Degree had been planned for the May meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1, but unavoidable absences by three of the Brethren scheduled to perform degree work necessitated a last-minute postponement. In place of the degree conferral, WB Buda lowered the Lodge to the First Degree, invited the Entered Apprentices and Fellowcraft Masons to a seat in the Lodge, and gave a short talk on the topic of "Guarding the West Gate".
In the Conference Room after the meeting:
Bro Kajiwara, Bro Ogawa, Bro Suzuki and Bro Sato.
WB Buda pointed out that, for a candidate giving three knocks on the door of the Lodge, the door could be considered an entrance into a room, an entrance into Freemasonry, or an entrance into a world of new knowledge. Unfortunately some candidates were never able to see their initiation in a wider perspective, and soon lost interest in Freemasonry. Other candidates, likewise unable to appreciate the deeper aspects of Freemasonry, ended up using membership of the Fraternity for their own social or material benefit.
Bro Inomata, Bro Taniuchi, Bro Wachi, Bro Tsujii, Bro Tei, MWB Watanabe, Bro Sneathern and Bro Kajiwara (seated)
As Masons, we were obliged to "Guard the West Gate" by ensuring that petitioners had a clear idea of what to expect from Masonry and what not to expect.
WB Buda's talk was followed by questions from the Brethren and WB Buda invited the EAs and FCs to say a few words about what brought them into Freemasonry: their expectations and hopes.
At the end of the talk WB Buda called the Lodge free from restraint so that the EAs and FCs could leave without needing to salute the WM. After a short break, WB Buda resumed labour in the Third Degree and asked MWB Watanabe to outline a schedule for future degree work. It was provisionally agreed to hold a Second Degree in June and a Third Degree in July, the details to be decided later.