A Special Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1 was held on Saturday, August 9, 2008 for the purpose of conferring the Entered Apprentice Degee on Mr. Alawn Jordan, who at our Stated Meeting for July had been regularly elected to receive the Degrees of Masonry in our Lodge. The First Degree conferral being the only item on the agenda, the Lodge was opened in the First Degree with WB Buda in the East, Bro Sagara, SD, acting SW in the South, and Bro Honda, JD, acting JW in the South.
WB Buda then raised the Lodge to report a Communication received from MWB Setzer, the GM of the Grand Lodge of Japan. MWB Setzer had phoned WB Buda that morning and asked him to convey his best regards to the Officers and Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1, and to thank them for the warm and fraternal welcome he had received during his visit in July.
After the Marshal and Stewards had retired and propounded the usual interrogations to the candidate, and his responses had proved satisfactory, the WM called the Lodge free from restraint while the Stewards attended to the preparation of the candidate.
Mr Alawn then gave three distinct knocks at the door of the lodge, was admitted in due and ancient form, and obligated an Entered Apprentice Mason. He was conducted by MWB Watanabe, acting SD. The Obligation was given by WB Buda, the Apron Lecture by Bro Honda, and the Working Tools by Bro Sneathern.
After having restored himself to his personal comfort, Bro Alawn was readmitted to the Lodge and received the Lecture of the First Degree. The Second and Third Sections were delivered by WB Buda, and the Four Cardinal Virtues by MWB Watanabe. WB Buda then gave the Charge and after Bro Jordan had been conducted to a seat in the Lodge, WB Buda gave the usual instructions and advice. All lectures and degree work were conducted in English.
The Lodge was closed in short form, with the Brethren departing in Peace, Harmony and Brotherly Love.