Far East Lodge No. 1 News

August 09, 2008September 6, 2008 October 04, 2008

Although Far East Lodge No. 1 continues to have a significant backlog of Brethren waiting for degree conferrals, it was decided to limit the agenda of our Stated Meeting for September to regular business and a few other items. One reason for this decision was the absence of the WM, who was unable to attend because of work commitments; another was the increasing number of Brethren waiting to give their proficiency exams. Over the past two or three months, several Brethren had announced that they were ready and willing to be examined, but the heavy schedule of degree work had left no time for testing.

Meeting September 2008

Back Row: Bro Bindel | Bro De Las Alas (No. 9) | Bro Tsujii | Bro Rommelman (No. 20)
Middle Row: Bro Llanillo (No. 20) | Bro Kajiwara | Bro Honda | Bro Wachi | Bro Tamado | Bro Ogawa | Bro Sagara | Bro Tatara | Bro Sneathern
Front Row (Seated): MWB Katagiri | WB Ortiz, JGL | RWB Smith, JGW | WB Carreon | Bro Mercado (No. 9)

On this day, the Lodge was honored with visits from several distinguished Brethren. WB Ortiz, PM, Junior Grand Lecturer, came as the official representative of VWB George Loar, Senior Grand Lecturer, and was received with Grand Honors. RWB Don Smith, Junior Grand Warden, once again honored the Lodge with a fraternal visit. WB Ortiz was accompanied by WB Mike Carreon, WM of Yokosuka Lodge No. 20, and several other Brethren from both Lodge No. 20 and Sasebo Lodge No. 9. We also had a visitor from the United States: Bro David L. Bindel, a resident of Richardson, TX and a member of Washington Lodge No. 1117 under the Grand Lodge of Texas.

The Lodge was opened with MWB Katagiri in the East, RWB Smith in the West and Bro Rommelman (Yokosuka No. 20) in the South.

The WM then called on the Brethren to observe a moment's silence in memory of life member Bro. J. W. Lamm, who had passed away in 1989 but news of whose death reached the Lodge only recently, thanks to the unstinting detective work of Bro Garfield T. Roberts in the United States. (See Obituary for details.)

Two Fellowcraft Masons gave their Second Degree Proficiencies. MWB Watanabe examined Bro Yasushi Tamado in Japanese and Bro Tomio Ogawa in English. At the conclusion of the examinations, the WM declared both Brethren fully proficient in the Second Degree. It is hoped to raise both of them at our October meeting.

MWB Watanabe reported that he was in receipt of a petition for membership from Mr. Eric Anderson and the WM directed that the usual procedure be followed.

Before closing the Lodge, the WM asked MWB Watanabe about his proposed schedule for October and November. Bro Secretary replied that a MM conferral in October and an FC degree in November would be appropriate. Bro Honda volunteered to give the Lecture of the Third Degree in October.

At 14:45 the Lodge was closed in regular form, with the Brethren departing in Peace, Harmony and Brotherly Love.