The two main items of Far East Lodge No. 1's Stated Meeting for December were the Election of Officers for 2009 and the conferral of the First Degree of Freemasonry on Mr. Eric Anderson.
Mr Anderson was initiated an Entered Apprentice in due and ancient form with MWB Katagiri in the East, Bro Inomata, acting SW in the West, and Bro Sagara, acting JW in the South. All degree work was performed in English. MWB Katagiri gave the Obligation, Bro Sneathern the Working Tools, MWB Watanabe the Apron Lecture and Charge, and Bro Honda the Lecture of the First Degree.
The following Brethren were elected or appointed to their respective offices:
* NB: Bro Taniuchi's appointment is conditional upon his passing his MM proficiency test in January.
The above officers will be installed on Saturday, January 10, 2008 when the Lodge holds its traditional Open Installation, to which spouses, relatives, friends and non-Masons are cordially invited. MWB James Johnson has again graciously agreed to act as Installing Officer, with MWB Kazuhiro Watanabe as Installing Marshal.
The Installation Ceremony will begin at approximately 1530 hrs and will be preceded by our usual Stated Meeting at the regular time of 1300 hrs. The Installation Ceremony will be followed by an Installation Banquet at the Yokohama Country and Athletic Club, to which again all are warmly welcome.
The cost of the Banquet will be 6,000 yen per person, inclusive of tax, service, and wine at the table. Reservations are necessary, so please contact the Secretary of the Lodge as soon as possible at
There is no charge for adults over 80 years old, elected Grand Lodge Officers, Installing Officers, and reigning Masters of constituent lodges.