Today's Special Meeting was called for the purpose of conferring the Second Degree of Freemasonry on Bro. Alawn Jordan. The Lodge having been opened in the Second Degree with WB Buda in the East, WB Herrera, acting WSW in the West, and Bro Honda, acting WJW in the South, the WM greeted two first-time visitors to the Lodge: Bro. Clifford M. Cuseo of Temple Lodge No. 65, Westport Connecticut, and Bro. Gabriel Balea of Lodge Star in the East No. 640, Yokohama.
In the First Section of the ceremony Bro. Jordan was conducted by Bro. Inomata, acting SD. After being obligated a Fellowcraft Mason and instructed on how to wear his apron, Bro. Jordan received the Working Tools of the Degree from Bro. Sneathern.
In the Second Section of the degree, Bro Inomata gave the Staircase Lecture, and WM delivered both the G Lecture and the Charge. All ritual work was conducted in English. At the conclusion of the ceremony, WB Buda presented Bro. Jordan with an instructive pamphlet published by the Grand Lodge of Japan, a copy of the shorter version of the proficiency he would need to complete before being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, and copies of the Charge, the Staircase Lecture, and Letter G lecture, for his perusal and edification. Bro Sneathern was appointed mentor for his proficiency studies.
The next meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1 will be the Stated Meeting to be held on Saturday, December 6. In addition to the election and nomination of Officers for 2009, it is hoped to also confer the First Degree of Freemasonry on Mr. Eric Anderson.