The Stated Meeting for January and the Installation of Officers for 2009 were held on Saturday, January 10, 2009. The Stated Meeting began at the usual time of 1300 hrs in the presence of RWB Robert Koole, the Deputy Grand Master, RWB Donald Smith, the Junior Grand Warden, and MWB James Johnston, the Installing Officer for the Installation. The main items of business on the agenda were a ballot on the application of Mr Kevin Adams to receive the Degrees of Freemasonry in our Lodge, which proved favorable, and the examination of Bro Taniuchi, the Junior Steward-elect, in his proficiency in the Third Degree. At the completion of the examination, WB Buda declared Bro Taniuchi admirably proficient. The Lodge was then called free from restraint until the Installation of Officers.
After the guests and visitors had been admitted into the Lodge, at 1530 hrs MWB James Johnston (Installing Officer) and MWB Kazuhiro Watanabe (Installing Marshal) proceeded to install the officers of the Lodge. At the end of the installation ceremony WB Buda thanked the Grand Lodge Officers and Past Grand Masters who had honored us with their presence. He then thanked the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 for expressing their confidence in him by electing him Master of the Lodge. Finally he thanked RWB Philip McKenzie, reigning Master of Lodge Star in the East No. 640, the visiting Brethren from other lodges, and the spouses, relatives and friends who had joined our installation ceremony.
After the Installation Ceremony, several non-Masons stayed behind in the Lodge Room and expressed their interest in learning more about Freemasonry and perhaps becoming Masons themselves. From 1800 hrs a banquet was held at the Yokohama Country and Athletic Club, attended by RWM Koole, MWB Johnston and almost 40 Brethren and guests. An album of photographs taken at the Installation and Banquet is available in another section of this website.