Far East Lodge No. 1 News

January 10, 2009February 7, 2009 March 7, 2009

After opening the Lodge in due and ancient form, WB Buda asked the Brethren to be upstanding for a moment's silent prayer for three departed Brethren. For details please refer to the Obituary Section of this website. Although the Lodge continues to have a growing list of candidates and petitioners waiting to receive degrees, it was decided to devote our February Stated Meeting to a leisurely consideration of outstanding business matters.

Meeting 10 Feb 09

Bro de las Alas | Bro Takigami | Bro Kajiwara | Bro Jordan | Bro Ito

Three Fellowcraft members had declared themselves ready to be tested on their proficiency in that degree, but one of them was unable to attend. After the WM had lowered the Lodge to the Second Degree, he asked MWB Watanabe to put the usual questions to first Bro Kajiwara and then Bro Jordan, both of whom elected to take their tests in English, and both of whom proved themselves admirably proficient in the Second Degree. After the tests, the WM called the Lodge free from restraint for the purpose of congratulating our two FCs on their splendid performances.

Meeting 10 Feb 09

Bro Taniuchi | Bro Inomata | Bro Jordan | Bro Sneathern

In other business, MWB Watanabe informed the Lodge that an Amendment to the Consititution had been submitted by Tokyo Masonic Lodge No. 2, and explained the content of the amendent in both English and Japanese. A decision on how Far East Lodge No. 1 would vote on this amendment at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication would be taken at our March meeting.

MWB Watanabe also introduced a tentative schedule for future degree work, emphasizing the advantages of conferring degrees at Special Meetings. WB Buda expressed his wholehearted agreement with Bro Secretary's proposal, and asked for the members' cooperation in attending Special Meetings held for the express purpose of conferring degrees. He also recommended that the long list of petitioners and candidates should not place us under pressure to hurry applicants and Brethren through the degrees. There were important lessons to be learnt at each degree, and Brethren should be encouraged to spend time deepening their familiarity with those lessons before moving on to the next step in Masonry.

In one other item of business, the Lodge voted favorably on the reinstatement of Bro Shigetsugu, who had been suspended for non-payment of dues but had paid all his arrears and submitted a petition for reinstatement.

The Lodge welcomed three visitors to our February meeting: Bro de las Alas of Nippon Lodge No. 9, and Bros Takigami and Ito of Yuai Lodge No. 11.