Far East Lodge No. 1 News

March 28, 2009April 4, 2009April 18, 2009

Several items of important business were conducted at the Lodge's Stated Meeting for April, but the highlight of the meeting was the visit of Bro Ed Lawson, a Life Member of the Lodge resident in Connecticut, USA. Bro Lawson visited Japan in 2006 but unfortunately his stay did not coincide with any of the Lodge's meetings. He did have time, however, to visit the Midorigaoka Temple and was shown around by MWB Watanabe (see News Report 30). On this visit, Bro Lawson's second day in Japan coincided with the Lodge's Stated Meeting for April and he was able to sit with the Brethren of the Lodge for the first time in several decades.

After opening the Lodge in due and ancient form, WB Buda welcomed Bro Lawson and invited him to a seat in the East. After the major items of business had been dealt with, WB Buda called the Lodge free from restraint to allow all members below the rank of Master Mason to join us and listen to a presentation by our distinguished visitor.

Meeting 4 Apr 09

Bro Ed Lawson with the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1

Bro Lawson spoke of his early days with Far East Lodge No. 1, when it provided a spiritual haven during the stressful years he was working as a anesthetist in the Kishine Hospital, having to treat the victims of the Vietnam War. Bro Lawson remarked that although Far East Lodge No. 1 was not his mother lodge, it was the lodge in which he was 'made a Mason'. He reminisced fondly of the old Bluff Temple, and the Miyakawa family that had acted as its caretakers for three generations. (See article on Bro Kiyoshi Miyakawa.) Bro Lawson then spoke of his passion for mountaineering (a passion shared by his wife) and his travels around the globe. On all these travels it had been his good fortune to meet Brethren of the mystic tie, and he shared several moving anecdotes of his Masonic encounters. Bro Lawson concluded his presentation with remarks about the cosmopolitan nature of Far East Lodge No. 1, with members of different races, nationalities, and creeds. He then delivered a recitation of Bro Rudyard Kipling's The Mother Lodge, which so eloquently expresses the the universality of the Craft.

WB Buda then invited the Brethren to put questions to Bro Lawson, and in response to these questions Bro Lawson spoke about the DeMolay organization in which he had been involved for over half a century, and about some of the differences between Masonic activities in Japan and the United States. After the presentation, Bro Lawson presented both the Lodge and its members with books, Masonic memorabilia, and a wooden plaque of the Lodge's insignia that he had carved himself.

Meeting 4 Apr 09

Bro Lawson donating books and memorabilia to the Lodge
Bro Tsujii | Bro Inomata | Bro Sneathern | Bro Lawson

After the EAs and FCs had retired from the Lodge and labor in the Third Degree had been resumed, Bro Lawson requested MWB Watanabe to stand West of the Altar and then proceeded to deliver to him an exemplification of the so-called 'Canadian Charge', one of his favorite pieces of Masonic Ritual.

The most important item of business at today's meeting was to consider and ballot upon the proposal, presented at last month's meeting, to amend those sections of the Lodge's Bye-laws dealing with initiation fees and annual dues. MWB Watanabe summarized the main points of the proposal, which had been redrafted to reflect the comments and opinions of Brethren expressed at last month's meeting. The proposal having been duly seconded, and there being no questions or comments, it was put to the vote and passed unanimously.

Bro Inomata, SW, gave a comprehensive report on the Grand Lodge's Annual Communication and MWB Watanabe gave details of the gardening work carried out very professionally on the hedge at the back of the Temple. Discussion was then had on the scheduling of future meetings and it was agreed to hold a Special Meeting on April 18 for the purpose of raising Bros Kajiwara and Sato. Finally, MWB Watanabe noted that the Stated Meeting for May fell in the middle of the long "Golden Week" of successive national holidays. He recommended that the Lodge hold its Stated Meeting one week later than usual, on 9 May. This was approved unanimously and the WM directed MWB Watanabe to apply for the necessary dispensation.