Far East Lodge No. 1 News

September 5, 2009October 3, 2009October 24, 2002

Despite the forecast of heavy showers, there was only a slight drizzle before the meeting, inconveniencing the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 only in that those accustomed to using the back yard for smoking had to avail themselves of the protection of the the Temple's forecourt and its overhanging roof.

The Lodge was opened with WB Buda, WM, in the East, Bro. Inomata, WSW, in the West, and Bro. Sagara, WJW, in the South. The first half of the business agenda consisted of routine items such as the reading and confirmation of the Minutes of the previous meeting, approval of the Treasurer's Report and bills due, and reading of correspondence.

Under New Business, the WM read out the relevant section of the Lodge's Bye-laws in preparation for our election of Officers in December, and a secret ballot was held on Bro. Jack Spiwak's application for a demit, which was approved.

Meeting 3 Oct 09

Bro. Jordan and Bro. Sato displaying two of Bro. Ogawa's sample T-shirts.

As the next item on the agenda concerned all members of Far East Lodge No. 1, WB Buda lowered the Lodge to the First Degree and two EAs and one FC were invited to join the Brethren. With MWB Watanabe interpreting into Japanese, WB Buda announced that the growing number of email enquiries (some serious, some trivial) to the Lodge was placing a burden on Bro. Secretary. As many of the queries were repetitive in nature, WB Buda had added a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section to the untyled area of the Lodge's website. This FAQ covered the most common questions received from Masons wishing to visit the Lodge, non-Masons desiring to join, and queries from the public about Masonry in general.

Now that the English-language FAQ was in place, the creation of a Japanese-language version was a priority. WB Buda asked for volunteers to help with the work of translating the English version.

WB Buda also made a short announcement concerning the completion of the new charter of Masonic Hall Limited.

Meeting 3 Oct 09

Brethren gather around the Secretary's Table to examine the proposed new Lodge sticker

After the EAs and FC had left the Lodge, WB Buda resumed labor in the Third Degree and a discussion was held on Bro. Ogawa's proposal for the creation of a distinctive memento of the Lodge that could be presented to first-time visitors. Bro. Ogawa showed samples of two possible mementoes: a Far East Lodge No. 1 T-shirt and a Far East Lodge No. 1 sticker. (See photos above.) Concern was expressed that the production of such mementoes would place a financial burden on Bro. Ogawa and the WM asked Bro. Secretary, as Acting Treasurer, to investigate ways of reimbursing Bro. Ogawa for any costs incurred.

Bro. de las Alas offered to explore other, cheaper mementoes and WB Buda asked him to report his findings at our next Stated Meeting.

Finally, MWB Watanabe outlined a proposal for the Lodge's forthcoming degree schedule and several Brethren confirmed that they would be prepared to present some of the lectures. It was agreed, provisionally, that a Second Degree would be conferred on Bros. Adams and Ishibashi (and possibly Bro. Kraker) on October 24, and a Third Degree on Bro. Anderson on November 28. The scheduling of a First Degree for Mr Suzuki and Mr Yamada would depend on the availability of the two candidates.