As WB Buda was unable to attend the Stated Meeting for September, Bro Inomata took the East, Bro Sagara the West, and Bro Honda the South. While the Lodge was at labor in the Third Degree, Bro Tatara proved his proficiency in the MM Degree, and a favorable ballot was taken on the reinstatement of WB Orvosh, who had been suspended for non-payment of dues in 1994, and now wished to return to good standing so that he could apply for membership of Santa Maria Lodge No. 580 in California.
After MWB Watanabe confirmed that the WM had received a favorable report from the committee of investigation on Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Yamada, ballots was held on their applications. The ballots proving favorable, the two petitioners were elected to receive the degrees of Masonry in our Lodge.
Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1
Bro Inomata, acting WM, then lowered the Lodge to the First Degree for the purpose of hearing the EA proficiencies of Bros. Adams and Ishibashi. At the end of the examinations, both Brethren were declared fully proficient in the Entered Apprentice degree.
In other business, it was decided to hold a Special Meeting on October 24 to confer the Fellowcraft Degree on Bros Adams and Ishibashi, and possibly Bro. Kraker if he can complete his EA proficiency beforehand. A Special Meeting was also scheduled for November 28, to confer the sublime degree of Master Mason on Bro Anderson.
Bro Ishibashi | Bro Tatara | Bro Adams | Bro Inomata
Bro Honda gave a report on the three-lodge picnic held at the home of Bro de las Alas on the Negishi Heights installation and hosted by WB Zamora and the Brethren of Yokosuka Lodge No. 20. Bro Honda announced that there were approximately 60 participants in the picnic and a good time was had by all.