Far East Lodge No. 1 News

November 28, 2009December 5, 2009January 9, 2010

In the absence of WB Buda, the Lodge's Stated Meeting for December was opened by Bro Inomata, WSW, acting WM in the East. The main item of business was the election of officers for 2010 but before proceeding with the election Bro Inomata asked those Brethren who had been absent from our Special Meeting of 28 November 2009 to renew their solemn oath to maintain and support the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Japan and the Bye-Laws of Far East Lodge No. 1. This was carried out with no dissensions.

Meeting 5 Dec 09

Rear: Bro Adams | Bro de las Alas | Bro Kajiwara | Bro Sagara | Bro Sato | Bro Ogawa | Bro Tsujii
Middle: Bro Ishibashi | Bro Honda | Bro Tatara | Bro Morgan
Front: Bro Ogawa | Bro Taniuchi | Bro Sneathern | Bro Usher | Bro Ketsdever | WB Herrera | Bro Inomata | Bro Jordan

The Lodge welcomed three Brethren from Yokosuka Lodge No. 20, and they were invited to help with the election by acting as tellers.

As a result of the balloting, the following Brethren were elected Officers of the Lodge:

Worshipful Master Bro Norihiro Inomata
Senior Warden Bro Masanori Sagara
Junior Warden WB Janusz Buda, PM
Treasurer WB Rodolfo Herrera, PM
Secretary MWB Kazuhiro Watanabe, PGM

The Lodge was then called free from restraint while the newly elected Officers convened to select the following appointed Officers:

Chaplain Bro Martin Sneathern
Marshal WB Takumi Masaki, PM
Senior Deacon Bro Takashi Tsujii
Junior Deacon Bro Seiichi Honda
Senior Steward Bro Tsuyoshi Taniuchi
Junior Steward Bro Taiki Ogawa
Tyler Bro Akihiro Tatara

After the Election, Bro Alawn Jordan was tested in his Proficiency in the Third Degree by MWB Watanabe and at the end of the test Bro Inomata, acting WM, declared Bro Jordan fully proficient. The Secretary then read a list of Brethren who would be suspended on 31 December 2009 for Non Payment of Dues, and the names of two Life Members from whom no valid address had been received for over five years and whose status would be changed to 'Lost Life Member'.

Discussion was then held of our upcoming schedule of degree conferrals. An Entered Apprentice degree on January 30 seemed most likely and Bro Tsujii has already begun memorizing the part of the Senior Deacon. Bro Tatara volunteered to give the Working Tools Lecture at a Master Mason degree conferral tentatively scheduled for February 27.

The Lodge was then closed in short form, the Brethren departing in Peace, Harmony and Brotherly Love.