Far East Lodge No. 1 News

December 5, 2009January 9, 2010January 30, 2010

The Lodge's Stated Meeting for January opened at 1 p.m. with WB Buda, WM, in the East, Bro Inomata, SW, in the West, and Bro Sagara, JW, in the South. After taking care of all required business such as the reading of the Minutes, the Treasurer's report, and the payment of bills, WB Buda thanked the Brethren for their support and encouragement during his two years in the East and then called the Lodge free from restraint for the purpose of holding our Annual Installation of Officers.

Meeting 9 Jan 10

Rear: WB Zamora (center) surrounded by visiting Brethren and Members of Far East Lodge No. 1
Front: WB Herrera | WB Buda | WB Inomata | MWB Johnston | Bro Sagara | MWB Watanabe | Bro van Rompaey

Attendance at the open Installation was the highest in living memory, and extra chairs had to be provided to seat the visitors and guests. Among the visitors was WB Zamora of Yokosuka Lodge No. 20, the Lodge's Grand Lodge Inspector and two Brethren from lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. We also welcomed a visiting Brother from Holland. Among the many non-Masonic guests were the spouses, partners and children of Far East Lodge No. 1 Brethren, and several visitors with an interest in Masonry.

The Installation began at 3:30 p.m., with MWB Johnston serving as Installing Officer and MWB Watanabe as Installing Marshal. WB Buda, the incoming JW, took over as Installing Marshal when MWB Watanabe was installed as Secretary of the Lodge.

Meeting 9 Jan 10

WB Inomata and MWB Johnston with some of the many guests at our Installation

Immediately after the conclusion of the Installation, Bro Ruben van Rompaey of L'Inseperable Lodge No. 12 in Holland presented WB Inomata with souvenirs and mementoes of his visit: a badge of his lodge and a set of puppets representing the Three Degrees of Masonry.

Meeting 9 Jan 10

Bro van Rompaey presents WB Inomata with souvenirs of his visit

With almost two hours of free time between the ending of the Installation and the beginning of the banquet at the Yokohama Country and Athletic Club (YC&AC), most of the Brethren and guests went downstairs to the Conference Room, where they enjoyed a wide selection of snacks and drinks and two large dishes of traditional Filipino delicacies kindly prepared by Mrs Herrera and delivered by WB Herrera before our meeting.

Several guests availed themselves of WB Buda's offer of a guided tour of the Lodge room, asking many questions about the furniture, ornaments, regalia, and history of the Lodge.

At 6:00 p.m. it was announced that the YC&AC was ready to receive us thirty minutes earlier than arranged and most of the Brethren and visitors walked over to the Club, leaving a small party of volunteers to clean up the Conference Room.

Several digital cameras were in evidence throughout the installation and banquet and an account of the latter, with extra photographs, will be posted to this section of the website as soon as possible.