Our meeting of February 6 was WB Inomata's first Stated Meeting as Worshipful Master. He expressed thanks to Bro Sagara, SW, for taking over as acting WM for the First Degree Conferral held on 30 January and also thanked Bro Tsujii for delivering a splendid First Degree Lecture. After recognizing the Distinguished Brethren present, WB Inomata greeted Bro Lachlan H. Gelling and Bro John W. Pitt, members of Lodge Oberon No. 355 holden to the Grand Lodge of New South Wales and ACT. Both Brethren being first-time visitors to Far East Lodge No. 1, WB Inomata asked them to approach the East and presented them with one of the Lodge's distinctive visiting cards.
In addition to the reading and approval of the Minutes, the Treasurer's Report (given by WB Herrera), and the Lodge's due bills, MWB Watanabe announced that he had received two Edicts from the MW Grand Master. WB Inomata raised the Lodge for the reading of the Edicts. The first concerned a change in the status of the Scottish Rite Valley in Okinawa, and the second an injunction against rough handling of candidates during degree conferrals and demands that candidates bear the cost of festive boards after their conferrals.
Bro Tatara (left) and Bro Tsujii (center) introduce Bro Anderson (right) to the Altar and VSL
All regular business having been taken care of, WB Inomata outlined his plans for 2010 with the help of a schedule chart. In addition to continuing our current practice of holding two meetings each month to separate business from degree conferrals, Bro Inomata said he hoped that one of the Special Meetings could be set aside for a Family Day, one suggestion being a cherry blossom viewing picnic with families and friends. WB Inomata announced that one of the primary goals of his year in the East would be the strengthening of the Lodge's Masonic Education program and he asked for the cooperation of MWB Watanabe, WB Herrera, and WB Buda in setting up an active Masonic Education Committee. As the first step in this new education program, WB Inomata called the Lodge free from restraint so that all members below the rank of MM could join us for a "Walk About the Lodge". With Bro Tatara acting as narrator and Bro Tsujii as guide, one of our FCs (Bro Anderson) was led around the floor of the Lodge while the other FCs (Bros Adams and Ishibashi) looked on with interest. Bro Tatara read the narration in both English and Japanese.
Bro Pitt | WB Inomata | Bro Gelling
After the conclusion of the "Walk About the Lodge", WB Inomata asked the FCs to retire and resumed labor. A discussion was then held about the work assignment for our Special Meeting of February 27, at which we planned to confer the Third Degree of Masonry on Bro Anderson. Although several Brethren volunteered to help with the degree work, many others tendered their apologies for that day. The number of apologies came as a surprise, but MWB Watanabe remained confident that we would still be able to assemble sufficient members to hold both first and second sections of the Degree.
There being no further business in the West, WB Buda asked leave to offer three comments from the South. He noted that Bros Yamada and Suzuki had not yet received the usual EA guidance from the WM, and suggested that this be included in a future meeting. As Lodge Star in the East was also planning to hold an informal cherry blossom viewing party this Spring, WB Buda suggested that the two lodges might consider holding a joint event. Finally, WB Buda welcomed WB Inomata's plans to improve Masonic Education in the Lodge and proposed that, in addition to lectures from senior members, some of our newer members might be encouraged to conduct small research projects and then present the results of their research in Lodge.
In business from the floor of the Lodge, Bros Gelling and Pitt brought fraternal greetings from the WM and Brethren of Lodge Oberon No. 355 and presented WB Inomata with a souvenir gavel and lapel pin. They hoped that their visit would lead to closer ties between our two Lodges. WB Inomata thanked them for their gifts and kind words, and asked them to convey reciprocal greetings to the WM and Brethren of Lodge Oberon No. 355.
The Lodge's next meeting will be a Special Meeting on February 27, 2010, at which we hope to raise Bro Anderson to the sublime degree of Master Mason.