The Lodge's Special Meeting of January 30, 2010 was held for the purpose of conferring the First Degree of Masonry on Mr Akimichi Yamada and Mr Yutaro Suzuki, who had been elected to receive the degrees of Freemasonry in our Lodge at the Stated Meeting for September. WB Inomata being in the Philippines on official business, and with several Brethren unable to attend, major changes had to be made to the floorwork and lecture assignments.
The meeting opened at 1 p.m. with Bro Sagara, SW, acting WM in the East, MWB Watanabe, Secretary, acting SW in the West, and WB Buda, JW, in the South. After opening the Lodge in due and ancient form, Bro Sagara recognized the Distinguished Brethren present and greeted WB Watanabe and Bro Sugita of Yuai Lodge No. 11. This being WB Watanabe's first visit to Far East Lodge No. 1, Bro Sagara presented him with a first-time visitor's card and then invited him to a seat in the East. WB Watanabe thanked Bro Sagara and asked permission to remain on the level with the other Brethren, where he was asked to fill the Secretary's chair vacated by MWB Watanabe, acting SW. Bro Sagara then lowered the Lodge to the First Degree in preparation for the conferral.
After the usual interrogations had been propounded by Bro Ogawa Tomio (acting Marshal) and answered satisfactorily, Bro Sagara called the Lodge free from restraint while the candidates were prepared by Bro Ogawa and the Stewards. Labour was resumed when the candidates gave three distinct knocks at the door of the Lodge. Bro Tsujii conducted the candidates, assisted by Bro Taniuchi, acting JD. The Obligation was given by Bro Sagara, the Apron Lecture by Bro Taniuchi, and the Working Tools by Bro Tatara, all in Japanese.
After the conclusion of the First Section of the Degree, the newly obligated Brethren were permitted to return to the preparation room for the purpose of restoring themselves to their personal comfort and the Lodge was called from labor to refreshment. When labor was resumed and Bros Yamada and Suzuki had been readmitted to the Lodge, Bro Sagara ordered that they be placed in the North-east Corner of the Lodge, where they received the Japanese version of the Lecture of the First Degree from Bro Tsujii, who gave an smooth and faultless presentation with effective use of the illustrated scroll. The conferral was concluded with the delivery of the Charge of the Degree by MWB Watanabe, again in Japanese.
Before the EAs and FCs present were asked to retire and labors in the Third Degree resumed, WB Watanabe asked permission to address the newly initiated Brethren. The acting WM having given his permission, WB Watanabe congratulated Bros Yamada and Suzuki on their initiation into Freemasonry and suggested that, accompanied by a Master Mason of Far East Lodge No. 1, they visit Yuai Lodge No. 11 on 15 February to witness another First Degree Conferral. This would give them an ideal opportunity to deepen their understanding of the degree they had just received.
After the EAs and FCs had left the Lodge Room, Bro Sagara closed labor in the First Degree and resumed the labors of a Lodge of Master Masons. He then proceeded to close the Lodge in short form. After the meeting had ended, all Brethren gathered in the Lodge Room for photographs, and Bro Taniuchi, as usual, printed out copies of these photographs for the new members and the visitors to take home with them as mementoes of the occasion.
The Lodge's next meeting will be the Stated Meeting for February, to be held on February 6, 2010.