May 29, 2010June 5, 2010July 3, 2010
After the Lodge had been duly opened with WB Inomata in the East, Bro Sagara in the West, and WB Buda in the South, WB Donald Zamorra, Grand Lodge Inspector for Far East Lodge No. 1, was welcomed with Grand Honors and conducted by acting Marshal MWB Watanabe to a seat in the East. WB Inomata offered WB Zamora the gavel of his Lodge and after accepting it, WB Zamorra returned it to WB Inomata with the injuction to rule his Lodge fairly and wisely.
Rear: Bro Sneathern | Bro Honda | Bro Adams | Bro Kajiwara
Front: WB Smith | Bro Stanley | Bro San Agustin | Bro de las Alas
After the usual business had been taken transacted, MWB Watanabe announced that he was in receipt of two petitions, fully completed and duly sponsored, along with the requisite fees. One was from Mr. Yasumitsu Hoshi, a security trainer, and one from Dr. Kenji Ohmura, a physician. WB Inomata announced that he would appoint a committee of investigation and await their several reports.
WB Smith | WB Zamorra | WB Inomata
Under Unfinished Business, MWB Watanabe announced that he was having trouble receiving a quotation from Macoy, the major Masonic supply house used for many years by our previous Secretary, the late WB Thomas Hodges. He would continue his attempts to contact Macoy through their online shopping site and, failing this, would ask Brethren with access to the US Postal Service for their help. In one other item of unfinished business, MWB Watanabe said that he had placed a reservation for our usual gardeners to trim the hedges at the back of the Temple, but that they were extremely busy during the spring season and would not be able to visit the Temple for another week or two. WB Buda asked the WM's permission to announce that, as Secretary of Lodge Star in the East No. 640, he had moved, and it had been seconded and approved, that Lodge No. 640 cover half the cost of the gardening work.
Bro Adams | Bro Stanley | Bro San Agustin | Bro Jordan | Bro Morgan | Bro Sneathern | Bro Tsuji | Bro de las Alas
The only item of New Business on our Agenda was a proficiency exam for Bro Yamada, EA, but the latter had requested a postponement as problems in the management of his restaurant had not given him enough time to prepare. His proficiency exam will be rescheduled for our Stated Meeting of July 3 (his last opportunity, as he was initiated in January) and if he prove proficient, he will be passed at that meeting together with Bro Suzuki, who has already taken his exam. After some discussion, floorwork assignments for the Second Degree were made. WB Buda presented his apologies for the meeting, saying he would be in Hong Kong for the Installation of the new District Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of the Far East under the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
The WM asked WB Buda to report on the activities of the Masonic Education Committee. WB Buda noted that the Committee hoped to stimulate Masonic education from within as well as without. In addition to lectures given by experienced members of the Lodge, he suggested that each newly raised Brother, in addition to his MM proficiency text, be asked to chose a Masonic topic of personal interest, and research a short presentation to be given in Lodge. Although each presentation would be followed by a question-and-answer session, it would in no way be a test or trial of proficiency, its only purpose being to encourage MMs to take the first step on the journey of Masonic discovery.
WB Inomata welcomed this suggestion and then announced a provisional schedule of Lodge activities in the second half of this year. Of particular note was a farewell party for Bro de las Alas, who was being posted to Tennessee. This party was scheduled for Saturday, August 28, with details to be announced later.
Two items were offered from the floor of the lodge, a proposal from Bro Honda for participation in charity work which was laid aside for further information and consideration, and fraternal greetings from the WM and Brethren of Honolulu Lodge, Hawaii, brought by Bro Stanley of that Lodge. WB Inomata asked Bro Stanley to reciprocate with similar greetings from the WM and Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 when he returned home.
Finally, WB Inomata asked WB Zamorra to say a few words. As Grand Lodge Inspector for our Lodge, WB Zamorra praised the members of Far East Lodge No. 1 for their excellent ritual work and kindly offered to conduct a Lodge of Instruction at any time, provided he be given sufficient notice.
There are no Special Meetings scheduled for June and our next meeting will be the Stated Meeting of 3 July 2010.