Far East Lodge No. 1 News

June 5, 2010July 3, 2010September 4, 2010

After the Lodge had been duly opened with WB Inomata in the East, Bro Sagara in the West, and MWB Watanabe in the South, WB Inomata gave three knocks to raise the Brethren for a moment of silence in memory of WB Alfred Harrison, who had passed away on November 7, 2009, but news of whose death only reached the Lodge a few days earlier, thanks to the persevering research of Bro Garfield Roberts. The WM ordered the Charter to be draped for a period of thirty days.

Stated Meeting for July 2010

The Lodge's newest FCs: Bro Yamada and Bro Suzuki

After the usual business had been taken care of, WB Inomata lowered the Lodge to the First Degree so that Bro Yamada could enter the lodge and give his EA Proficiency Test. This he did with precision and accuracy and at the end of the Test WB Inomata declared Bro Yamada fully proficient in the Entered Apprentice Degree.

After Bro Yamada had retired, the Lodge was passed to the Second Degree for the purpose of conferring the Fellowcraft Degree on Bros Suzuki and Yamada. After the candidates had been admitted into the Lodge in due and ancient form, WB Inomata administerd the Obligation and the Apron Lecture was given by Bro Sato. In the Second Section of the Degree, Bro Ogawa Taiki, acting SD, conducted the candidates in the Staircase Lecture.

Stated Meeting for July 2010

Bros Yamada and Suzuki with the Members of Far East Lodge No. 1

For the Letter "G" Lecture, Bro Taniuchi temporarily assumed the position of acting WM, returning the gavel of the Lodge to WB Inomata at the end of the lecture. At the conclusion of the ceremony, WB Inomata delivered the Charge. All ritual work and lectures was carried out in Japanese.

Despite this meeting being the last before the Lodge goes dark for the Summer, attendance was excellent, with 17 Master Masons, 2 new Fellowcrafts, and WB Sugita visiting from Yuai Lodge No. 11. A potential candidate joined us for our lunchtime harmony.

In other Business WB Inomata confirmed that we were planning a Sayonara BBQ party to mark Bro de las Alas' departure from Japan. The party is scheduled for August 28 and we will be joined by Brethren of Yokosuka Lodge No. 20 as well as some visitors from Lodge Star in the East No. 640.

As there will be no Special Meeting this month, we will resume labor in September, when we hope to confer the First Degree on Mr Erickson. In October we plan to initiate Mr Omura and Mr Hoshi and, if possible, pass them to the FC degree in the following month.