Far East Lodge No. 1 News

November 27, 2010December 4, 2010January 8, 2011

After opening the Lodge in due and ancient form, WB Inomata asked the Brethren to be upstanding and observe a moment of silence in memory of WB Francisco Yule who passed away in February 2009, news of his death having reached the Lodge only recently.

WB Inomata then took care of the usual items of business; the Minutes, Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills all being approved unanimously. He then read the required section of our By-laws concerning the election of Officers.

Three of the Lodge's Master Masons having announced that they were ready to take their MM Proficiencies, Bro Tsuji, SD, tested Bros Adams, Anderson and Ishibashi in English. The WM pronounced all three Brethren completely proficient as MMs.

This being our Stated Meeting for December, the main item of business was the Election and Appointment of Lodge Officers for 2011. With MWB Watanabe and Bro Honda acting as tellers, the following Brethren were elected to their respective offices:

Worshipful Master Bro Norihiro Inomata, PM
Senior Warden Bro Masanori Sagara
Junior Warden Bro Takashi Tsuji
Treasurer Bro Janusz Buda, PM
Secretary MWB Kazuhiro Watanabe, PGM

The elected Officers then retired to consult on the remaining offices and the following Brethren were duly appointed to their respective positions:

Chaplain Bro Masumi Ishibashi
Marshal Bro Tomio Ogawa
Senior Deacon Bro Tsuyoshi Taniuchi
Junior Deacon Bro Taiki Ogawa
Senior Steward Bro Eric Anderson
Junior Steward Bro Alawn Jordan
Tiler Bro Akihiro Tatara

Asked if there was any further business on the Secretary's Table, MWB Watanabe reported the following:

Stated Meeting for December 2010

The Brethren examine the contents of a parcel of Masonic books donated by Bro Ed Lawson

Apologies were received from WB Buda and Bro Tamado. A total of 18 Brethren (all MMs) were present and for refreshments we were joined in the Conference Room by candidates-elect Mr Hoshi and Mr Suzuki, and by Mr Mukai, a potential candidate.