December 4, 2010January 8, 2011February 5, 2011
As the first Saturday of 2011 fell on New Year's Day, a dispensation was obtained to hold our Stated Meeting and Installation one week later, on Saturday, 8 January 2011.
The Lodge was tyled at 14:00 hrs, with WB Inomata in the East, WB Herrera, Treasurer, acting SW in the West, and WB Buda, JW in the South.
After observing a moment's silence in memory of MWB Akira Yamaya, PGM of the Grand Lodge of Japan, who had passed away on 20 December 2010, WB Inomata ordered the Charter draped for 30 days in accordance with the wishes of the Grand Master.
He then announced that the order of business would be rearranged to allow Bro Yutaro Suzuki to take his Third Degree Proficiency test and then retire for the purpose of greeting and escorting MWB Johnston from Yamate Station. Bro Tsuji conducted the test in Japanese and at its conclusion WB Inomata declard Bro Suzuki fully proficient in the Third Degree and qualified to assume office in the Lodge.
Before calling the Lodge free from restraint for the purpose of preparing for our Installation, WB Inomata took a roll-call of Brethren who could attend our Special Meeting of 29 January 2011. He himself would be out of the country, but Bro Sagara had agreed to take the East for the conferral of the First Degree upon Mr. Yasumitsu Hoshi. Other work assignments were made as appropriate, only that of Junior Steward being left for further consideration.
Once again, both the Conference and Lodge Rooms proved too small to accommodate the large number of visiting Brethren and guests in comfort. By making full use of all folding chairs available, as well as some of the chairs from the East, we were able to seat everyone present, but MWB Watanabe, Installing Marshal, had to improvise when conducting Officers around the Lodge Room. Of the Brethren elected or appointed at our December Meeting, only Bros Sagara and Taniuchi were absent and MWB Johnston and MWB Watanabe duly installed and invested the following Officers for 2011:
MWB Johnston with the Installed Officers for 2011
Worshipful Master | Bro Norihiro Inomata, PM |
Junior Warden | Bro Takashi Tsuji |
Treasurer | Bro Janusz Buda, PM |
Secretary | MWB Kazuhiro Watanabe, PGM |
Chaplain | Bro Masumi Ishibashi |
Marshal | Bro Tomio Ogawa |
Junior Deacon | Bro Taiki Ogawa |
Senior Steward | Bro Eric Anderson |
Junior Steward | Bro Alawn Jordan |
Tiler | Bro Akihiro Tatara |
The Installation Ceremony ended shortly after 17:00 hrs, leaving over an hour until the start of our Banquet at YC&AC. Many Brethren and their guests retired to the ground floor of the Temple to enjoy light snacks and soft drinks. WB Buda offered to remain in the Lodge Room and conduct an informal Q&A session for those visitors unfamiliar with Freemasonry or the history of Far East Lodge No. 1.
Shortly after 18:00 hrs the Brethren and their guests began to transfer to the Bay View Room of the YC&AC to enjoy a few drinks before the start of the Banquet. The buffet-style dinner being ready well before the scheduled time, WB Buda, as Master of Ceremonies, welcomed everyone to the Banquet, explained the system for ordering of extra drinks, and then invited the ladies and children to take the lead in helping themselves to food from the buffet table.
General view of banquet, with buffet table at the back
After two hours of enjoyable dining, wining and convivial conversation, the Banquet ended with the customary Masonic toasts. The traditional Tyler's Toast was given by WB Buda.
The outstanding success of both the Installation and Banquet, whilst highly gratifying for the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1, also reminds us of the necessity of planning for the possibility of even greater attendace at future events.