February 5, 2011February 26, 2011March 5, 2011
The conferral of the First Degree of Masonry on Mr. Yasumitsu Hoshi and Mr. Shunji Suzuki was originally scheduled for January 29, 2011 but had to be cancelled at the last moment because of the absence of several key Brethren. Fortunately we were able to initiate our two candidates just one month later than planned, though once again last-minute apologies resulted in major rearrangement of the work assignment.
During our usual lunch in the conference room, word reached the Lodge that trains on the Yokosuka Line had stopped and at least two Brethren were stuck on their way to the Temple. It was decided, however, to go ahead and open the Lodge at the stated time of 13:00 hrs, with WB Inomata in the East, Bro Sagara, SW in the West, and MWB Watanabe, Secretary, acting JW in the South. MWB Watanabe's shift to the South was necessitated by the absence of Bro Taniuchi, our SD, and his replacement by Bro Tsuji, JW, acting SD. At the opening and closing of the Lodge, Bro Jordan sat in for MWB Watanabe as Secretary.
Bros Hoshi and Suzuki, the Lodge's newest EAs, with the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1
After the Lodge had been opened in the First Degree and the Marshal had retired to the preparation room to propound the usual interrogations, the Brethren stuck on the Yokosuka Line arrived and the rest of the ceremony was conducted without the need for any further reassignments.
In consideration of our two candidates, almost all the degree work and all the lectures were given in Japanese. Mr Suzuki chose to take his Obligation upon his own VSL, a copy of a Buddhist sutra that he had brought with him to the meeting. The sutra was placed alongside the Holy Bible, and a separate pair of Square and Compasses placed upon it.
MWB Watanabe congratulates Bro Hoshi while Bro Suzuki looks on
The two candidates were ably conducted around the Lodge by Bro Tsuji, with Bro Anderson assisting. The Apron Lecture was given at very short notice by Bro Ishibashi and the Working Tools presented by Bro Tomio Ogawa. The Lecture of the First Degree had been assigned to Bro Taniuchi, SD, but because of Bro Taniuchi's sudden indisposition, WB Inomata decided to postpone the lecture to our next meeting and, after the newly-obligated Entered Apprentices had been restored to their personal comfort, readmitted, and conducted to the North-east Corner of the Lodge, WB Inomata explained the change of program and asked MWB Watanabe to proceed with the Charge of the Degree.
Bro Anderson congratulates Bro Suzuki while Bro Jordan congratulates Bro Hoshi in the background
At the end of the Ceremony, WB Inomata gave the usual instructions and advice to newly initiated Masons and then proceeded to close the lodge in due and ancient form.
It is hoped that Bro Taniuchi will be available to give the First Degree Lecture at our Stated Meeting scheduled for 5 March. Also scheduled for that meeting are Bro Shea Erickson's proficiency test in the First Degree and a short Masonic lecture by WB Buda.