January 8, 2011February 5, 2011February 26, 2011
The Special Meeting scheduled for January 29, 2011 had to be cancelled at the last moment because both WB Inomata, WM, and Bro Sagara, SW, were called away on business and there was not enough time to rearrange the work assignments. News of the cancellation was circulated to the Brethren by email, and the two candidates for initiation were informed separately.
The Lodge was opened at 13:00 hrs, with WB Inomata in the East, Bro Sagara, SW in the West, and Bro Tsuji, JW in the South.
It took only 30 minutes for all items of routine business to be transacted.
With WB Inomata as Installing Officer and MWB Watanabe as Installing Marshal, the two Brethren who had been unable to attend our Annual Installation Ceremony on January 8, 2011 were duly obligated and installed. Bro Sagara continued in office as Senior Warden and Bro Taniuchi was installed as Senior Deacon. After the conclusion of the Installations, WB Inomata called the Lodge free from restraint for the purpose of congratulating Bros Sagara and Taniuchi, and to give the Brethren a short break.
Labor was resumed at 13:45 hrs and WB Inomata proposed the creation of three ad-hoc committees: Education, Refreshment, and Cleaning. After full discussion among the Brethren, the following appointments were moved, seconded, and approved:
Masonic Education: WB Buda (Chairman), MWB Watanabe
Refreshment: Bro Tsuji (Chairman), Bro Anderson, Bro Jordan
Cleaning: Bro Sagara (Chairman), Bro Ishibashi, Bro Suzuki Yutaro
WB Inomata then outlined his tentative schedule for Lodge activities in 2011, the first being the conferral of the First Degree of Masonry on Mr Hoshi and Mr Suzuki Shunji, postponed from January 29, 2011. The conferral would be held at a Special Meeting on Saturday, February 26, and the following work assignments were made:
Officers | |
Worshipful Master | WB Inomata, PM |
Senior Warden | Bro Sagara |
Junior Warden | Bro Tsujii |
Marshal | Bro Tomio Ogawa |
Chaplain | Bro Ishibashi |
Senior Deacon | Bro Taniuchi |
Acting Junior Deacon | Bro Sato |
Senior Steward | Bro Eric Anderson |
Junior Steward | Bro Alawn Jordan |
Tiler | Bro Akihiro Tatara |
Lectures | |
Apron | Bro Tatara |
Working Tools | Bro Taiki Ogawa |
First Degree | Bro Taniuchi |
Charge | MWB Watanabe |
Five visitors joined our Meeting:
Visitors | |
Bro Robert Rousselot | Secretary, Yokosuka No. 20 |
Bro Karl King | Yokosuka No. 20 |
Bro E. J. Angeles | Rising Sun No. 151, GL Philippines |
Bro Mark Igmen | Lemon Grove Lodge No. 736, GL California |
Bro Erwin Batolazo | Owens Lodge No. 164, GL Virginia |