Far East Lodge No. 1 News

October 1, 2011October 22, 2011November 5, 2011

Special Meeting

The Special Meeting held for the purpose of conferring the Second Degree of Masonry on Bros Kim and Miyauchi would not have been possible without the help and participation of nine visiting Brethren from Yokosuka Lodge No. 20. The original floorwork assignment took into account the unavoidable absence of several key members of Far East Lodge No. 1, but did not anticipate several last-minute apologies. Fortunately, the visiting members from Yokosuka Lodge No. 20 cheerfully volunteered to fill vacant chairs or deliver essential lectures, and all ended well, with the Lodge adding two new Entered Apprentices to its roll.

A Lodge of Entered Apprentices was opened at 1400 hrs with WB Inomata in the East, Bro Sagara in the West, and Bro Pecson (Yokosuka Lodge No. 20) acting JW in the South.

WB Inomata invited the visiting Brethren to present themselves West of the Altar, after which he descended to the floor of the Lodge to thank them for their visit and to present them with the customary souvenir.

October Special

Bro Miyauchi (center left) and Bro Kim (center right) with the Brethren of Lodges No. 1 and No. 20.

At 14:40 hrs Lt. Asa D. Kim and Mr. Yoshiyuki Miyauchi gave three knocks on the door of the Lodge and were admitted as candidates for the First Degree. WB Inomata administered the Obligation, Bro Caromelo Magubat (Yokosuka Lodge No. 20) gave the Apron Lecture, and Bro Shunji Suzuki presented the Working Tools. The Lodge was then called free from restraint for the purpose of congratulating our newly obligated Brethren.

Labour was resumed at 15:30 hrs and Bros Kim and Miyauchi were admitted into the Lodge Room and conducted to the North-east Corner of the Lodge. Bro Jordan gave the first half of the First Degree Lecture and Bro Tom J. Pecson the second. Bro Sagara delivered the Charge of the Degree. All ritual was performed in English.

At the conclusion of the Ceremony, the WM gave the usual instructions and advice to newly initiated Masons and proceeded to close the Lodge, the Brethren departing in Peace and Harmony.