October 22, 2011November 5, 2011December 03, 2011
With the busy year-end and our December election meeting fast approaching, it was decided that it would be impossible to follow our recent practice of separating business from degree conferral meetings, and to hold a joint meeting in November. In addition to regular business, the Lodge passed Bro Mukai to the Degree of Fellowcraft Mason, Bro Yamada was tested on his proficiency in the Second Degree, and Bro Suzuki Shunji on his proficiency in the Third Degree.
The Lodge was opened in the Third Degree at 1300 hrs with WB Inomata in the East, Bro Tsuji, WJW, acting WSW in the West, and WB Buda, Treasurer, acting JW in the South.
After declaring the Lodge open, WB Inomata asked the Brethren to be upstanding for a minutes' silent prayer in memory of Bro James H. Koga, who had passed away on 2 October 2007 but news of whose death only reached the Lodge within the past month.
The WM then greeted our guests for this afternoon, including WB Watanabe, Bro Sugita and Bro Takenaka of Tokyo Yuai Lodge No. 11, Bro Yoda of Lodge Star in the East No. 640, and Br. Ketsdever of Yokosuka Lodge No. 20. WB Watanabe was invited to join WB Inomata in the East
Most of this month's business was of a regular nature and included the obligatory reading of the Bye-laws relevant to our elections. Under New Business a call was made for the Lodge to nominate trustees or councillors to the Tokyo Masonic Association. Following tradition, the Lodge refrained from nominating any of its own members but was pleased to nominate our distinguished visitor WB Watanabe, who accepted the nomination. While the Lodge was still at labor in the Third Degree, Bro Shunji Suzuki was tested on his proficiency in the Third Degree and declared fully proficient by the WM.
The Lodge was then lowered to the Second Degree for the conferral of the Fellowcraft Degree on Bro Jun'ichiro Mukai. The Working Tool Lecture was given by Bro Shunji Suzuki. After the Lodge had been called free from restraint for a short break and to permit Bro Mukai to restore himself to his personal comfort, labour was resumed and Bro Tomio Ogawa, acting SD, conducted the candidate in the Staircase Lecture. Bro Yutaro Suzuki temporarily acted as WM to deliver the G Lecture and MWB Watanabe gave the Charge. All ritual work was done in Japanese.
Before closing the Lodge, WB Inomata asked WB Watanabe to say a few words. WB Watanabe thanked the WM and Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 for their welcome and said he had enjoyed witnessing our Second Degree Conferral. He had been particularly impressed by the determination of Bro Ogawa's delivery of the Staircase Lecture and noted that such dedication should serve as a model to us all.
WB Inomata then proceeded to close the Lodge in usual form, the Brethren departing in Peace, Harmony and Brotherly Love.