November 5, 2011December 3, 2011February 4, 2012
Our Election Meeting in December being one of the most important of the Masonic Year, it was gratifying to see so many Members and Visitors in attendance. In addition to the 18 Master Masons of Far East Lodge No. 1, we were joined by WB Watanabe and Bro Sugita of Yuai Lodge No. 11, WB Frank Reno of Eustis Lodge No. 85 (Grand Lodge of Florida), Bro Orpheu Marorelli of Virgilio Nascimento Lodge No. 22 (Grand Lodge of Sao Paulo), and Bro Sadao Kobayashi from the Grand Lodge of the Philippines.
During the Meeting, Bro Miyauchi passed his First Degree proficiency test, and Bro Mukai his Second Degree proficiency test. As Bro Miyauchi was initiated in October and Bro Mukai passed last month, the youngest members of Far East Lodge No. 1 once again demonstrated the enthusiasm. motivation and dedication that has characterized the Lodge in recent years.
With WB Watanabe and Bro Sugita of Yuai Lodge No. 11 graciously acting as tellers, the election of the WM, SW, JW, Treasurer and Secretary was held. The Lodge was then called free from restraint while the newly elected officers conferred upon the appointment of the non-elective officers.
At the end of the the Election, the following Brethren had been elected or appointed to their respective offices:
Elected Officers |
Worshipful Master | Bro Masanori Sagara |
Senior Warden | Bro Takashi Tsujii |
Junior Warden | WB Norihiro Inomata |
Treasurer | Bro Tomio Ogawa |
Secretary | MWB Kazuhiro Watanabe, PGM |
Appointed Officers |
Chaplain | Bro Shunji Suzuki |
Marshal | Bro Yutaro Suzuki |
Senior Deacon | Bro Taiki Ogawa |
Junior Deacon | Bro Akihiro Tatara |
Senior Steward | Bro Alawn Jordan |
JUnior Steward | Bro Masumi Ishibashi |
Tyler | Bro Tsuyoshi Taniuchi |
Arrangements for the Installation Ceremony were left to MWB Watanabe, who noted that the date chosen woud depend on the availability of MWB James Johnston, our Installing Officer. January 7 seemed to be the earliest date possible, but would have to be confirmed with MWB Johnston.
The Installation Ceremony, to be held in open form as usual, will be preceded by a regular Stated Meeting tyling at 14:00 hrs, with the Installation Ceremony itself beginning at around 15:30. At the conclusion of the Ceremony the Brethren and their guests will walk over to the Yokohama Country and Athletic Club for an Installation Banquet scheduled to begin at 18:00.
Once the date of the Installation is confirmed, Brethren should let Bro Secretary know as soon as possible if they will be attending the Banquet, and how many quests they will bring. Once Bro Secretary has informed YC&AC of the number of participants in the Banquet, last-minute additions or cancellations are strongly discouraged. Brethren should remember that we are obliged to pay YC&AC for all seats reserved, irrespective of the actual number of participants.