July 7, 2012September 1, 2012October 6, 2012
There was a last-minute change in the agenda for the first Stated Meeting after the summer break. We had hoped to confer the Third Degree of Masonry on Bros Kim and Miyauchi, who passed their proficiency tests in July. This conferral had to be postponed when it became clear that there were problems with the work assignment. As Bro Kim will be leaving Japan later this year, we will make every effort to raise him and Bro Miyauchi by October at the latest.
After opening the Lodge in due and ancient form, WB Sagara welcomed Bro Coro Possobom, Apóstolo da Caridade Lodge No. 21, Curitiba, Grand Orient of Brazil.
Bro Wada | Bro Martorelli | WB Sagara | Bro Possobom | Bro Hayashi.
After the usual routine business had been concluded, WM Sagara lowered the Lodge to the First Degree for a proficiency test on Bros Wada and Hayashi. Both Brethren were declared fully proficient and ready to be passed to the Second Degree of Masonry.
WB Sagara congratulates Bros Wada and Hayashi on their successful proficiency tests.
Discussion was had on the possibility of a Special Meeting to raise Bros Kim and Miyauchi, but a majority of the Brethren present said they were unavailable for one or other of the proposed dates. Bro Secretary will continue to explore this possibility by contacting those Brethren who were absent from our September meeting. The most likely date remains that of our Stated Meeting for October.
There being no other business to be brought before the Lodge, WM Sagara closed in due and ancient form. Our meeting was attended by 14 Master Masons (including visitors), 2 FC and 2 EAs.