Far East Lodge No. 1 News

September 10, 2003April 3, 2004 May 4, 2004

The Lodge was honored today by a visit from MWB Saburo Katagiri, the Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Japan, accompanied by VWB Robert Koole, the Senior Grand Lecturer.

GM Visit March 2004

MWB Katagiri expressed his pleasure at the fact that his first official visit as GM should be to his home lodge, Far East Lodge No. 1. He also shared with the brethren the address he gave to GL upon his installation in March. A copy of this address is available here.

Much of today's meeting was taken up with a discussion of the tragic death of MWB William M. Heath, PGM and PM of both Yokosuka Lodge No. 20 and Far East Lodge No. 1. Having lost his wife Yasuko just a few weeks ago, MWB Heath had no next-of-kin in Japan and arrangements for his funeral will have to wait until the complex formalities have been taken care of.

Out-of-country members of Far East Lodge No. 1 who have been reading these news bulletins and wondering what happened to the major construction project in the close neighborhood will be interested to know that the demolition of the old ANA dormitory site is now complete and that the noise and vibrations from truck movements have been significantly less than was feared.