Far East Lodge No. 1 News

December 5, 2004 February 4, 2006 March 4, 2006

The year 2005 proved something of a turning point for Far East Lodge No. 1. A steady stream of applicants has been knocking on the door of the Lodge and the Brethren now find themselves busy with unaccustomed but extremely welcome degree work.

The Lodge's newest member, Bro. Dimitrios Tsuruyiannis, was initiated on February 4, 2006. He was conducted by MWB Kazzy Watanabe, acting Senior Deacon, and obligated in due and ancient form by WB Rudy Herrera. WB Jud Buda gave the First Degree Lecture and delivered the Charge.

Initiation Feb 4, 2006

WB Masaki, Bro. Tsuruyiannis, WB Herrera, MWB Watanabe, Bro. Jackson

At the same meeting Bro. Larry Jackson passed his Second Degree Proficiency Examination and is looking forward to being raised soon. Bro. Martin Sneathern is hard at work on his First Degree Proficiency and hopes to deliver it after his upcoming trip to the US.