At the meeting of March 4, 2006 the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 voted unanimously to recognize Bro. Walter Johnson's many years of dedicated service to the lodge by conferring upon him the title of Honorary Past Master.
At the same meeting Bro. Dimitrios Tsuruyiannis demonstrated his proficiency in the First Degree of Freemasonry and Bro. Larry Jackson was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason.
The Brethren were delighted to welcome back Bro. Charles Jackson, who has finally been able to take time off from his busy work schedule and who hopes to take his Second Degree Proficiency next month.
The Secretary was pleased to announce that he has received at least three enquiries about membership and that the gentleman who visited the Temple earlier that afternoon had decided to submit an application.
As the backlog of degree work slowly builds up, Far East Lodge No. 1 may have to consider holding several Special Meetings for the purpose of degree conferral.