Far East Lodge No. 1 News

March 4, 2006 April 1, 2006 April 8, 2006

At the stated meeting of April 1, 2006 WB Rudy Herrera presented WB Walter M. Johnson with two certificates honoring his many contributions to Far East Lodge No. 1 and Freemasonry in Japan. The first was a Diploma of Merit from the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Japan and the second was an Honorary Past Master Certificate from Far East Lodge No. 1.

WB Johnson 1

WB Herrera presents certificates to WB Johnson

WB Johnson 1

MWB Watanabe congratulates WB Johnson

Having made the presentation to WB Johnson, it was WB Herrera's turn to step West of the Altar and receive from MWB Watanabe the certificates of both a Past and Reigning Master.

WB Johnson 1

MWB Watanabe presents certificates to WB Herrera

Before the conclusion of the meeting, WB Masaki asked the WM's permission to display the Lodge's new Staircase Lecture canvas. Made of sturdy black and white canvas, it can be packed into a very small space. Opened out, it fits perfectly on the lodge floor, curving from the North to the East. With a Second Degree tentatively scheduled for May, it will not be long before the new canvas gets its first airing.

Before today's meeting two potential candidates visited the Temple and joined the Brethren for coffee and sandwich rolls. Before leaving, one of them submitted a completed application form which was duly read out in open lodge. With so many applications, it seems likely that the Lodge will have to hold several special meetings between now and the summer, and may even have to consider holding a meeting in August.