Far East Lodge No. 1 News

April 1, 2006 April 8, 2006 May 13, 2006

A special meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1 was held on April 8, 2006 for the purpose of conferring the First Degree of Masonry on Mr. Takashi Tsujii. WB Rudy Herrera was in the East with MWB Katagiri in the West and WB Buda in the South. MWB Watanabe conducted the candidate, gave the Obligation in Japanese and delivered the Charge. The Working Tools were presented by Bro Miyata and the First Degree Lecture was given by MWB Katagiri, both in Japanese.

WB Johnson 1

The initiation of Bro. Tsujii brings to four the number of Entered Apprentices in the lodge. Bro. Tsuruyiannis will be passed to the Fellowcraft Degree at our stated meeting in May, and Bros. Takeda and Sneathern hope to complete their First Degree Proficiencies in the near future.

WB Johnson 1

WB Herrera congratulates Bro. Tsujii

Our next stated meeting falls within the annual 'Golden Week' vacation period and we hope to obtain a dispensation to hold it a week later than usual.