After a well-earned summer break, the Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 resumed work with one of the busiest meetings this year. In addition to the usual business, a favorable ballot was held on the petition of Mr. Takeshi Noma to receive the Degrees of Freemasonry in our lodge.
Bro. Dimitrios Tsuruyiannis proved his proficiency in the Third Degree and Bros Mikuni and Tsujii demonstrated their proficiency in the Second Degree. We hope to raise Bros Mikuni and Tsujii at our October Stated Meeting.
Bro Wachi was then examined and declared proficient in the First Degree and the lodge proceeded to pass him to the Second Degree. WB Herrera took the East for the beginning of the ceremony and MWB Watanabe gave the Obligation. As Acting Senior Deacon, MWB Watanabe conducted the candidate and gave the Staircase Lecture. Bro Tsujii presented the Working Tools and WB Masaki took over in the East for the G Lecture. MWB Katagiri delivered the Charge. As with most of our recent degree work, most of the ritual was conducted in Japanese.
During the business part of the meeting, petitions were received from Messrs. Ogawa, Tei, Honda, Komura and Tatara. Most of these petitioners came to the Temple before our meeting and enjoyed light snacks and coffee with the Brethren.
This sudden flood of applications has created a major scheduling problem for our Secretary, MWB Watanabe. We have one candidate waiting to be initiated, one EA waiting to be passed, five FCs waiting to be raised, and five new petitions. Fortunately all the candidates are aware of the situation and have shown a willingness to wait their turn with patience.