Far East Lodge No. 1 News

November 25, 2006December 2, 2006 December 27, 2006

The Stated Meeting of Far East Lodge No. 1 was held on Saturday, December 2 with two major items on the agenda: the election of officers for 2007 and the raising of Bros Wachi and Takeda.

Third Degree

Bro. Wachi | Bro. Takeda

With WB Herrera in the East, WB Masaki in the West, and MWB Katagiri in the South, the Third Degree was worked in due and ancient form. MWB Watanabe conducted the candidates and gave the Obligation. The Working Tools were presented by Bro. Inomata, the Degree Lecture was given by MWB Katagiri, and the Charge was read by WB Masaki.

Third Degree

WB Herrera | Bro Wachi | Bro Takeda

At the conclusion of the degree, WB Herrera congratulated the newly raised Brethren and presented them with copies of the VSL, the ritual book, and the Lodge's Bye-laws.

Third Degree

WB Masaki, Bro Inomata, WB Kanemitsu, WB Herrera, Bro Sneathern, Bro Tsuruyiannis, Bro Sagara, MWB Katagiri
Bro Takeda | Bro Wachi

The election of Lodge officers for 2007 was held at the same meeting and the following Brethren were elected:

After the election, the following officers were appointed:

The Installation of the above officers will be held on Saturday, January 13, 2007 and the Installation Banquet will be held at the Yokohama Country and Athletic Club.