Far East Lodge No. 1 News

December 27, 2006January 13 , 2007 February 3, 2007

The Far East Lodge No. 1 installation of officers for 2007 was held at the Yokohama Temple on Saturday, January 13, 2007. The Installing Officer was MWB Johnston and the Installing Marshal was MWB Watanabe. The Lodge was also honored by the visit of RWB Koole, the Junior Grand Warden and the Lodge's Grand Lodge Inspector.

Installation 2007

MWB Johnston | RWB Koole | WB Masaki

The Stated Meeting of the Lodge for the month of January was held at 1 p.m. At the end of the meeting Bros Inomata and Sagara announced that they were ready to take their Third Degree Proficiencies. MWB Watanabe examined them in English and at the end of the examination WB Herrera pronounced them both proficient in the Third Degree, congratulating them on their excellent memorization. He then called the Lodge free from restraint for the purpose of preparing for the Installation of Officers.

Shortly before 3 p.m. the visitors were invited into the Lodge Room. They included members' wives, petitioners waiting for degree work, and three non-Masons interested in joining the Fraternity.

Installation 2007

After the Installation the Brethren and their guests walked over to the Yokohama Country and Athletic Club to enjoy a few refreshing drinks before the beginning of the Banquet at 6.30 p.m. Although Lodge Star in the East has used the YC&AC for installation banquets in the past, this was the first time that Far East Lodge No. 1 had availed itself of the Club's excellent facilities. An enjoyable and convivial time was had by all, and both Brethren and guests looked forward to using the YC&AC next year. To view an album of photos taken at the Installation and Banquet, please click on either of the photos above or click here.