Far East Lodge No. 1 News

January 13, 2007February 3 , 2007 March 3, 2007

With WB Masaki in the East, WB Buda in the West and WB Herrera in the South, Far East Lodge No. 1 held its Stated Meeting for February and initiated its newest two newest members, Bro. Taiki Ogawa and Bro. Seiichi Honda.

The Apron Lecture was given by MWB Watanabe, the Working Tools by Bro Wachi, and the First Degree Lecture by MWB Katagiri. One of the notable characteristics of the degree work was the active role played by some of the Lodge's youngest officers. Bros Sagara and Tsuruyiannis had their first experience of conducting candidates as Senior Deacon and Junior Deacon respectively, and Bros Sneathern and Wachi had their first experience of preparing the candidates as Senior and Junior Stewards.

Meeting Feb 03 2007

Bro Ogawa | Bro Honda

As noted by MWB Watanabe, attendance at the meeting was particularly high, with 15 members and 2 candidates present. To this number should be added the two petitioners and two visitors who joined us for light refreshment before the meeting. One of the visitors asked for a petition form and Far East Lodge No. 1 looks set to continue its busy schedule of degree work for some time to come.

Meeting Feb 03 2007

The Lodge will hold its next meeting on March 3, when it is planned to confer the First Degree of Masonry upon Mr. Yoshikane Tei and Mr. Akihiro Tatara, both of whom submitted their petitions on September 2, 2006.