At the beginning of Far East Lodge No. 1's Stated Meeting for April, the WM directed that the Charter be draped in memory of two Brethren who had passed away some time ago, but news of whom had not reached the Secretary until very recently. They were Bro. Deloyd McClune, who passed away on 21 Dec 2004, and Bro. Vernon Albert Diel, who passed away on 10 May 2005. For details see the Lodge's Obituary Page.
The main item of business at today's meeting was the conferral of the Second Degree of Masonry on Bros. Honda and Ogawa. WB Masaki obligated the Lodge's newest Fellowcraft Masons and the Working Tools of the Degree were presented by Bro. Mikuni. MWB Watanabe conducted the candidates and gave the Staircase Lecture. The Charge was delivered by MWB Katagiri.
As the Lodge's next Stated Meetings falls in the middle of the "Golden Week" of consecutive national holidays, it was decided to hold the May meeting one week later than usual, on May 12.