As the first Saturday of May coincided with the "Golden Week" of consecutive national holidays, Far East Lodge No. 1 received a dispensation to hold its Stated Meeting on May 12. The agenda included the reading of a petition from Mr. Yasushi Tamado and balloting on the application of Mr. Koji Suzuki. Bro. Tatara took his First Degree Proficiency examination in English and Bros Ogawa and Honda took their Second Degree Proficiencies in Japanese. The examining officer was MWB Watanabe and WB Masaki declared all three Brethren fully proficient in their respective degrees.
Bro Honda | WB Kanemitsu | Bro Ogawa
The main item of business was the conferral of the Third Degree of Masonry on Bros. Honda and Ogawa. Bro Inomata, assisted by Bro Tsuji, conducted the candidates and WB Masaki obligated them in Japanese. Bro. Wachi delivered the Working Tools of the degree.
Bro Honda | Bro Ogawa
The Tragedy was enacted twice: in short form for Bro Ogawa and then in long form for Bro Honda. MWB Watanabe took the role of King Solomon, and WB Masaki that of Hiram of Tyre. Both Brethren having been raised in due and ancient form, MWB Katagiri gave the Lecture of the degree and WB Masaki delivered the Charge.
Far East Lodge No. 1 now has three Entered Apprentices waiting to be passed, and three petitioners waiting to be initiated. WB Masaki directed that we confer the First Degree at our Stated Meeting for June, and the Second Degree at a Special Meeting held in the same month, the date to be decided.