Far East Lodge No. 1 welcomed three visiting Brethren to its Stated Meeting for April: RWB Donald K. Smith, Junior Grand Warden of the MW Grand Lodge of Japan, Bro. Koichi Terasawa, SW of Square and Compass Lodge No. 3 and Bro. Hector A. Emberga, SW of Kutan Bato Lodge No. 110 in the Philippines.
After the Lodge had been opened and most items of business conducted, WB Buda lowered the Lodge to the First Degree and invited the Entered Apprentices and Fellowcraft Masons to a seat in the lodge.
Bro. Inomata then gave the Lecture of the First Degree for the benefit of Bros. Sato and Kajiwara, both of whom had been initiated in March. After the completion of the Lecture, the WM called the Lodge free from restraint for a short break before the next item on the agenda, a short talk on the topic of "A Daily Advancement in Masonic Knowledge".
WB Buda, RWB Smith and Bro. Emberga
At the beginning of his talk, WB Buda pointed out there were two main sources of Masonic knowledge, the first being Guided Study such as that provided by Grand Lodge lectures and pamphlets, by Lodges of Instruction, and by short talks such as the one being given that day. The second source of Masonic knowledge was Independent Study, typified by personal discussion with experienced and knowledgeable Brethren, by study of books and papers, and by judicious use of the material available on the Internet.
WB Buda then introduced several areas of study that the newer members of the Lodge might find interesting and enlightening. Among these were the History of Freemasonry, Masonic Jurisprudence, Philosophy and Symbolism, Literature and Art, Anti-Masonry, Masonic Ritual, Regalia and Accessories, and Contemporary Issues. WB Buda illustrated his talk with copies of books relating to some of the above areas, with examples of Masonic jewelry and coins, and with ritual books from other Constitutions.
The Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 and visitors.
After the talk, WB Buda asked the EAs and FCs to retire from the Lodge, after which he resumed labor in the Third Degree.
MWB Watanabe introduced a provisional schedule for our Stated Meetings in May and June. The Stated Meeting for May would be postponed one week because of the 'Golden Week' holiday period. The meeting would be held on 10 May and would include the conferral of the Third Degree on Bros Tei and Suzuki. At our Stated Meeting for June we hope to confer the Fellowcraft Degree on Bros Tamado and Ogawa (Tomio). MWB Watanabe also presented a proposal for the work assignments of the two degrees, and this was approved unanimously.
WB Buda announced the finalized schedule for the first Table Lodge to be held by the two Yokohama Lodges. It would be hosted by Lodge Star in the East No. 640 and held at Bro. Sami Qureshi's restaurant in Chinatown from 13:00 hrs on Saturday, 19 April 2008.
In the last major item of business, a ballot was held on the petition of WB Otani, PM of Far East Lodge No. 1, for reinstatement to membership. The ballot proved favorable and the WM declared WB Otani reinstated.
Before closing the Lodge, WB Buda invited RWB Smith to give some comments or advice on the Lodge's ritual work. RWB Smith expressed his pleasure at seeing a Lodge providing Masonic education for its members, congratulated the Brethren on good ritual work, and said he had enjoyed his visit thoroughly.
Bro. Terasawa brought fraternal greetings from the WM and Brethren of Square and Compass Lodge No. 3 in Kunitachi and also Sinim Lodge under the GL of Massachusetts. Bro. Emberga brought fraternal greetings from his mother lodge, Kutang Bato Lodge No. 110 in Cotabato City, Republic of the Philippines. He informed the Brethren that his lodge was one of the oldest in the Philippines and had originally been chartered by the Grand Lodge of California, resulting in a ritual slightly different from that used by other lodges under the GL of the Philippines.