Far East Lodge No. 1 News

April 5, 2008April 19, 2008 May 10, 2008

The first of the two Table Lodges between Lodge Star in the East No. 640 and Far East Lodge No. 1 was held from 1.00 pm on Saturday, 19th April 2008 at Bro. Sami Qureshi's Tiffin Restaurant in Yokohama's Chinatown. The venue was the upper floor banqueting room of the restaurant.

Meeting April 2008

The Table Lodge was held as a Special Meeting of Lodge Star in the East, with members of Far East Lodge No. 1 attending as visitors. After Bro. Bo Hansson, RWM of Lodge Star in the East, had opened the Lodge in short form, he directed the WJW to call the Brethren from labour to refreshment. For the next two hours the Brethren of both lodges enjoyed a splendid meal of Indian delicacies, washed down with plentiful beer and wine.

Meeting April 2008

At appropriate points in the harmony, the RWM called for toasts to the Emperor, the Queen, the Craft, the Grand Lodge of Scotland, MWB William Heath, Far East Lodge No. 1, and Absent Brethren. In giving the toast to MWB "Bill" Heath, WB Buda referred to Bro. Bill's career in the US Navy, his illustrious Masonic achievements, and his earnest desire to forge closer ties between the two Yokohama lodges by holding a Table Lodge. Unfortunately Bro. Bill was taken from us in a tragic accident before he could see his desire realized.

Meeting April 2008

The harmony took the form of a buffet lunch, with Brethren helping themselves to both food and drink. During the harmony the Brethren of both lodges moved around from table to table, getting to know each other and sharing their Masonic experiences. At the end of the harmony WB Buda gave the traditional Tyler's Toast and Bro. Hansson called the Lodge from refreshment to labour before closing it in short form.

Nineteen Brethren attended the Table Lodge: nine from each of the two lodges and one visitor from a lodge in Italy.

Later this year Far East Lodge No. 1 will reciprocate by hosting the second Table Lodge and inviting the Brethren of Lodge Star in the East to join them.