Two Brethren of Far East Lodge No. 1 offered to take their proficiency tests at our Stated Meeting for October. The Lodge was opened in due and ancient form with WB Buda in the East, Bro Inomata, acting SW in the West, and Bro Sagara, acting JW in the South. After taking care of the usual business, WB Buda lowered the Lodge to the First Degree and all waiting Entered Apprentices and Fellowcraft Masons were invited to enter, Bro Sato was conducted West of the Altar, where he was examined in Japanese by MWB Watanabe. At the conclusion of the examination, WB Buda congratulated Bro Sato on an excellent performance and declared him proficient in the First Degree of Masonry. After the EAs and FCs had retired from the Lodge, the WM resumed labor in the Third Degree and Bro Sneathern gave his MM proficiency. He was examined in English by MWB Watanabe, and declared fully proficient by the WM.
The main item on the agenda of our October meeting was the conferral of the Third Degree upon Bro Yasushi Tamado and Bro Toshio Ogawa. Bro Honda conducted the candidates as SD, Bro Sagara gave the Obligation, and Bro Tsujii presented the Working Tools, all in Japanese. Bro. Tamado received the Tragedy in short form, and Bro Ogawa in full form. MWB Watanabe acted as King Solomon and MWB Katagiri conducted the candidates. The Lecture of the Degree was given fluently and flawlessly by Bro Honda in Japanese. MWB Watanabe delivered the Charge, after which the Lodge's newest MMs signed their names in the Lodge's Bye-laws and were presented with their membership cards, copies of the Monitor, and copies of the Bye-laws. Invited to address the Lodge as the youngest MMs present, both Brethren expressed their thanks and gratitude at being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason
The Lodge was honored with visits from Bro Lonnie Medford of Lodge San Gabriel No. 89 in Georgetown, Texas and Bro Romadel De Las Alas of Nippon Lodge No. 9 in Sasebo. Bro De Las Alas had been transferred from Sasebo to Negishi and expressed a strong desire to affiliate to Far East Lodge No. 1.
In other notable news, WB Buda asked the Brethren to be upstanding while MWB Watanabe read out Edict No. 23 from the Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Japan. The Edict permits members of the Grand Lodge of Japan to visit lodges under jurisdictions which are in amity with the Grand Lodge of Japan, but which might contain visitors from unrecognized jurisdictions. After reading the Edict, MWB Watanabe advised all Brethren considering visiting lodges abroad to first contact the Grand Lodge of Japan and clarify the issue of mutual recognition.
At 17:50 the Lodge was closed in short form, with the Brethren departing in Peace, Harmony and Brotherly Love.